FAQs - MASTA Travel Health | For All Your Vaccination advice

Frequently asked questions

Browse FAQs or if you still have a question, please contact us

Questions about Masta

  • Who are MASTA?

    MASTA (Medical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad), was established 30 years ago and we now operate one of the largest network of private travel clinics in the UK. This extensive number of clinic locations combined with a variety of appointment times, ensures that our customers receive the vaccinations and antimalarials required, at times and locations convenient for them.

    MASTA has an award winning medical team who constantly review global resources to ensure that our intelligence on travel health is second to none. Our customers can receive their travel health risk assessment via telephone first or attend the clinic for this followed immediately by the vaccinations or antimalarials.

  • Do you offer vaccinations or services on the NHS?

    MASTA are a private vaccination service, this means that all of our vaccinations, antimalarials and travel related retail products are chargeable.

Questions about MASTA clinics and partners

  • Who partners with MASTA?

    We have well established partnerships with Independent Pharmacies and Lloyds Pharmacy amongst others. Combined with our clinics based in NHS and Occupational Health establishments; we are growing faster than ever before.

  • Can I be sure that the services offered across the network are the same?

    Whilst the clinic you attend for an appointment may not be branded as MASTA, you can be reassured that the service is underpinned by MASTA exemplary clinical standards and the nurse or pharmacist that provides the service to you will have undergone stringent and comprehensive MASTA training in order to provide the service to you. The advice provided, and pricing applicable are consistent across the network too.

Questions about consultations

  • What is a telephone consultation?

    A telephone consultation is a risk assessment completed over the phone with one of our specialist travel health nurses. They will create a Travel Health Plan for you showing any vaccines or antimalarial tablets that may be recommended for your trip and if there are any recommendations, our specialist travel health nurse will book a follow-up appointment at your chosen Travel Clinic.

  • What is a clinic consultation?

    A clinic consultation is a risk assessment, completed face to face with one of our specialist travel health nurses in a MASTA Travel Clinic convenient for you. If there any recommendations made and vaccinations are required then they are administered during the same appointment.

  • I have had a consultation elsewhere, do I still need to book one with MASTA?

    Yes. Our nurses need to complete a risk assessment with you, so that we can ensure we are ok to go ahead with your vaccinations. It will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the vaccinations/malaria tablet recommendations.

  • How long after my telephone consultation can I book my pharmacy appointment?

    Our nurse can book your pharmacy appointment from 48 hours after your phone consultation depending on the availability of your chosen pharmacy.

  • Can I change my Travel Health Plan after my phone consultation?

    Yes. You can contact MASTA on the email address below or call us on the telephone number provided on your Travel Health Plan email, and one of our nurses will speak to you regarding the changes you wish to make.

  • Can I do a phone consultation on behalf of someone else?

    Children aged 5 to 15 years must have a parent/guardian present who is able to complete the consultation on the childs behalf.

    For ages 16 and above, our nurse must speak directly to the person that is travelling. We cannot complete a consultation with a third party.

    Those who are unable to complete a telephone consultation will be advised to visit a MASTA Travel Clinic for a face to face consultation. This includes those who are hearing impaired, those who do not understand English well enough to communicate with an English speaking nurse over the telephone and/or those who are located outside of the UK.

Questions about our services